引用本文:丰德恩,唐 卫,王慕华,等..基于WebGIS的气象服务产品自动加工关键技术[J].气象与环境科学,2020,43(1):130-136.Feng De’en,Tang Wei,Wang Muhua,et al..Key Technologies of Automatic Processing of Meteorological Service Products Based on WebGIS[J].Meteorological and Environmental Sciences,2020,43(1):130-136.
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丰德恩,唐 卫,王慕华,等.  
中文摘要:针对融媒体时代对气象服务产品加工个性化、准实时、智能化新诉求,以SOA架构组件式开发思想为指导,归纳气象服务产品加工业务共性,提出一套集成应用WebGIS、并行计算和大数据技术的气象服务产品自动化加工解决方案。利用组件开发和工作流引擎技术,搭建面向服务体系架构的产品加工模型装备框架,对产品加工组件进行模型编排,实现无须编程情况下的产品加工模型快速构建;利用基于分布式架构的加工服务器集群技术,搭建加工服务器集群环境,对产品加工模型服务进行发布和管理,实现产品加工任务的秒级高并发处理;利用基于消息和定时机制的加工任务调度技术,开发了产品加工任务调度器,通过设置消息主题和定时计划策略,实现加工任务参数智能解析和适配应用,统一协调触发各加工模型服务进行自动化作业。智能化气象服务产品自动加工系统自业务化运行以来,在加工效率、美观性和扩充性等方面表现出很好的应用价值。以温度、降水、风速、相对湿度全国实况格点服务产品加工为例进行实验,加工耗时由797 s缩减至14 s,效率提高50倍以上。
中文关键词:气象服务  产品加工  工作流建模  消息驱动  任务调度
Key Technologies of Automatic Processing of Meteorological Service Products Based on WebGIS
Abstract:Aiming at the business requirements of individualized,quasi real time and intelligentized making and processing of meteorological service products in the era of fusionmedia andguided by the idea of component based development of SOA architecture,this article summarizes the common features of meteorological product processing and proposes a set of solutions for automatic processing of meteorological service products based on WebGIS,parallel computing and big data technology.Using component development and workflow engine technology,a product processing model equipment framework of service oriented architecture is built,and the product processing components are modeled to achieve rapid construction of product processing model without programming.By the cluster technology of processing servers on the basic of distributed architecture,the cluster of processing servers is built to publish and manage the product processing model services,and to achieve high concurrent processing of product manufacturing tasks in seconds.Using processing task scheduling technology based on message and timing mechanism,a product processing task scheduler is developed.By setting message theme and timing planning strategy,the intelligent analysis and adapting application of processing task parameters is realized,and the processing model are coordinated and triggered for automatic operation.The intelligent automatic processing system of meteorological service products has shown good application values in terms of processing efficiency,aesthetics and expansibility since itsoperation.Taking the processing of real time grid products of temperature,precipitation,wind speed and relative humidity for the whole country of China as an example,the processing time has been reduced from 797 seconds to 14 seconds,and the efficiency is increased by more than 50 times.
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