引用本文:魏丽欣,张良玉,赵春雷,等..河北省苹果膨大期高温热害和气候适宜性分析[J].气象与环境科学,2019,42(4):10-15.Wei Lixin,Zhang Liangyu,Zhao Chunlei,et al..Analysis on High Temperature Heat Damage and Climate Suitability of Apple in Swelling Period in Hebei Province[J].Meteorological and Environmental Sciences,2019,42(4):10-15.
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中文摘要:选取河北省45个苹果种植主产县,利用1988-2017年68月≥35 ℃高温日数、≥0.1 mm降水日数、20~27 ℃适宜气温日数(剔除高温和降水同时出现日数)进行数理统计,分析河北省苹果膨大期高温热害指数和气候适宜指数时间变化特征,并对各指数进行分级、评价。采用GIS反距离权重法差值分析,构建区划图,分析河北省苹果膨大期高温热害指数和气候适宜指数的空间分布特征。结果表明:苹果膨大期高温日数以每10年0.9天的日数上升;适宜气温日数、降水日数分别以每10年2.7、1.1天的日数下降。历年高温热害指数每10年上升0.03,气候适宜指数每10年下降3.6。高温热害重度风险区域主要分布在河北平原中南部的冀南地区,中度风险区分布在河北省境内太行山中、西部及河北平原的北部区域,轻度风险区主要分布在燕山区域的冀东地区。气候适宜区主要分布在燕山区域的冀东地区、西北及环渤海区域;较适宜区分布在河北省境内太行山中部及河北平原的北部区域,也包括沧州、邯郸市的苹果种植县;一般适宜区主要分布在河北平原中南部的冀南地区。
中文关键词:河北省  苹果  膨大期  高温热害  气候适宜性
Analysis on High Temperature Heat Damage and Climate Suitability of Apple in Swelling Period in Hebei Province
Abstract:Using the ≥ 35 ℃ high temperature days, ≥0.1 mm precipitation days and 2027 ℃ suitable temperature days (excluding days high temperature and precipitation appear simultaneously) from June to August during 1988-2017 in 45 major apple producing counties in Hebei province,mathematical statistic were conducted. Temporal variation characteristics of high temperature heat damage index and climatic suitability index during apple swelling period in Hebei province were analyzed.The indexes were graded and evaluated. Using GIS inverse distance weight method, a zoning map was constructed, while the spatial distribution characteristic of high temperature heat damage index and climate suitability index during apple swelling period in Hebei province was analyzed. The results showed that the number of high temperature days during apple expansion increased by 0.9 days every 10 years. The suitable temperature days and precipitation days decreased by 2.7 days and 1.1 days per 10 years, respectively. Over the years, the high temperature heat damage index increased by 0.03 per 10 years, climate suitability index decreased by 3.6 per 10 years. The serious risk areas of high temperature heat damage are mainly distributed in the south central Hebei Plain. The moderate risk areas are distributed in the middle, west of Taihang Mountains and the north of Hebei Plain. The mild risk areas are mainly distributed in the east of Hebei province in Yanshan district. The climate suitable areas are mainly distributed in the eastern Hebei, northwest and Bohai Rim regions of Yanshan region. The more suitable areas are located in the middle of Taihang Mountain and the north of Hebei Plain in Hebei province, also including Cangzhou and Handan apple planting counties. The general suitable areas are mainly distributed in the south central Hebei Plain.
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